Hello [[fname]],

I think you will find these articles helpful. The first article describes how to select the right IP Camera System.  The second article compares IP intercoms and video intercoms. And of course, we didn't forget the cartoons and jokes. Let me know if you have any suggestions for our next newsletter. 

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Technology Newsletter from Kintronics 
Selecting the Right IP Camera System

The Best IP Camera Systems

An IP Camera System is a set of cameras and software that provide video surveillance. IP camera systems usually include many IP cameras that are selected depending on what areas they need to view. These network-attached cameras can be dome, bullet, PTZ, or panoramic IP cameras. The system also includes

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IP Intercom Selection and Comparison

Review of Audio and Video Intercoms

There are a variety of network-attached intercoms. Some connect to a central computer, while others connect to smartphone apps. The new IP intercoms use your network infrastructure, are powered over Ethernet (PoE), include IP cameras, and have great features and functions that were never available with the old analog

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Technical Jokes and Cartoons-74

Why programmers like cooking: You peel the carrot, chop the carrot, and put the carrot in the stew. You don’t suddenly find that the peeler is several versions behind, and they dropped support for carrots.

A man is buying a banana, an apple, and two eggs. The female cashier says: “You must be single.”

The man answers: “Wow, how did you know that?”


March 21, 2021

Issue 150

This newsletter provides articles that help you understand the latest technology and provides examples of how it is used. All the technical articles are reviewed by experts in the field to provide information that is as accurate as possible. We also included technical jokes and cartoons for your amusement. You can view our previous newsletters, or read all the articles that also appear on our blog

Kintronics has been providing advanced technology solutions that connect to the network since 1977. We are the experts in providing integrated solutions that include IP camera systems, door access control, and IP intercoms and sound systems related to security and safety.

You can view our Privacy Policy.

If you would like some help with your system, please contact us at 1-800-431-1658 in the USA or 914-944-3425 everywhere else. You can also just send us an email at bobm@kintronics.com