Hello [[fname]],

This month's newsletter should be informative. The first article describes how to create rings of defense that enhance your safety. The second article reviews the evolution of IP camera systems. And of course, we didn't forget the cartoons and jokes. Let me know if you have any suggestions for our next newsletter. 

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Technology Newsletter from Kintronics 
How IP Cameras, Access Control, and Intercoms Enhance Security

Creating Rings of Defense

The news is filled with stories about criminal activity that affect our safety and security. Disturbed people have attacked houses of worship, schools, and businesses. Organized criminals have been implicated in smash and grab intrusions in retail stores. Surveillance cameras provided by IP camera systems have helped catch the criminals, but

[Read more…]

The Evolution of IP Camera Systems

New Developments in IP Camera Systems Make You Safer

Over the last 20 years, much has changed in the security market, yet many things stay the same. IP camera systems, door access control, and IP intercoms provide the primary security systems, but many organizations have not implemented many innovations that make organizations safer. One example [Read more…]

Technical Jokes and Cartoons Jokes-87
I asked my date to meet me at the gym, but she never showed up. I guess the two of us aren't going to work out.
Air used to be free at the gas station, and now it's $1.50.
Do you know why?
My girlfriend is the square root of -100.
She's a perfect 10,
April 27, 2022

Issue 163

This newsletter provides articles that help you understand the latest technology and provide examples of its use. All the technical articles are reviewed by experts in the field to provide information that is as accurate as possible. We also included technical jokes and cartoons for your amusement. You can view our previous newsletters, or read all the articles that also appear on our blog

Kintronics has been providing advanced technology solutions that connect to the network since 1977. We are the experts in providing integrated solutions that include IP camera systems, door access control, and IP intercoms and sound systems related to security and safety.

You can view our Privacy Policy.

If you would like some help with your system, please contact us at 1-800-431-1658 in the USA or 914-944-3425 everywhere else. You can also just send us an email at bobm@kintronics.com