Hello [[fname]],

I think you will find this month's articles interesting. How do you open the gate from your vehicle? Long-range access control systems provide the solution. We provided the pros and cons of different systems. The second article describes how to determine the camera's field of view. And, of course, we didn't forget the cartoons and jokes. Let me know if you have any suggestions for our next newsletter. 

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Technology Newsletter from Kintronics 
Comparison of Long-Range Door Access Control

What is the Best Long-Range Access Control System

Long-range access control systems extend the capability of door access control systems. They read a credential to open the lock. The standard access control systems have a card-to-reader range in inches, while the long-range readers have a range of over 25 ft. When you want to open

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The Field of View for IP Camera Systems

How to Determine the Best Field of View

The lens of an IP camera determines the field of view (FOV). A lens can provide a wide or narrow FOV. For example, A wide field of view allows us to see a pasture filled with cows, and a narrow field of view allows us to see

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Technical Jokes and Cartoons Jokes-93
A farmer named Muldoon lived alone in the Irish countryside except for a pet dog he had for a long time. The dog finally died, and Muldoon went to the parish priest, saying, "Father, the dog is dead. Could you possibly be saying a Mass for the poor creature?
"Father Patrick told the farmer, "No, we [Read more…
October 25, 2022

Issue 167

This newsletter provides articles that help you understand the latest technology and provide examples of its use. All the technical articles are reviewed by experts in the field to provide information that is as accurate as possible. We also included technical jokes and cartoons for your amusement. You can view our previous newsletters or read all the articles that also appear on our blog

Kintronics has been providing advanced technology solutions that connect to the network since 1977. We are the experts in providing integrated solutions that include IP camera systems, door access control, and IP intercoms and sound systems related to security and safety.

You can view our Privacy Policy.

If you would like some help with your system, please contact us at 1-800-431-1658 in the USA or 914-944-3425 everywhere else. You can also just send us an email at bobm@kintronics.com