Hello [[fname]],

This month we included technical articles that help you understand how things work. The first article describes how audio is transferred over the Ethernet. The second article describes how access control is beneficial in keeping people healthy. And, of course, we didn't forget the cartoons and jokes. Let me know if you have any suggestions for our next newsletter. 

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Technology Newsletter from Kintronics 
How Network-Attached Audio Works
Transmitting Audio Over the Network
The sound waves from someone singing are picked up by a microphone and converted to analog electric signals. This electric signal can be sent to an amplifier and then to a speaker so that many people can hear the sound. When we convert the analog signal to a digital signal
Access Control in a World of Infectious Diseases
Temperature Monitoring Door Access Control for Health
Organizations are still transitioning between working at home and returning to work. Many organizations are looking for ways to make the work environment as safe as possible. There are so many infectious diseases in the news today it's hard to keep track and, significantly, how to mitigate the the spread of disease.
Technical Jokes and Cartoons Jokes - 98
My wife and I went to the restaurant for the first time in ages.
The Waiter said, "I am sorry, but we are so busy tonight." Would you mind waiting for a bit?"
I said, "No problem." He said, "Good, now take these drinks to table 7."
I went to a restaurant that serves "breakfast
March 27, 2023

Issue 172

This newsletter provides articles that help you understand the latest technology and provide examples of its use. Technical experts review all the technical articles to provide as accurate information as possible. We also included technical jokes and cartoons for your amusement. You can view our previous newsletters or read all the articles that also appear on our blog

Kintronics has provided advanced technology solutions that connect to the network since 1977. We are experts in delivering integrated solutions that include IP camera systems, door access control, and IP intercoms and sound systems related to security and safety.

You can view our Privacy Policy.

If you would like some help with your system, please contact us at 1-800-431-1658 in the USA or 914-944-3425 everywhere else. You can also just send us an email at dennis@kintronics.com