Hello [[fname]],

AI continues to improve our security and safety. The first article describes how AI enhances situational awareness. The second article describes how technology improves safety in our schools. And, of course, we didn't forget the cartoons and jokes. Let me know if you have any suggestions for our future newsletters. 

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Technology Newsletter from Kintronics 
IP Camera Systems with AI Improve Perimeter Awareness
AI-Enhanced Perimeter Security and Situational Awareness
Artificial Intelligence (AI) enhances the capability of IP Camera Systems. AI has improved the ability of classic surveillance systems. Instead of just recording video, the enhanced IP cameras have changed how we use the IP Camera Systems. AI makes the standard IP camera system smarter. It provides immediate notification [Read more…
Enhancing School Safety With Technology
How Technology Can Improve Safety in Schools
Ensuring students, teachers, and staff safety and security within educational institutions is paramount in today's rapidly evolving world. IP camera systems, door access control, and visitor management have emerged as powerful tools to enhance school safety in many ways. This article explores how these systems contribute to a [Read more…
Technical Jokes and Cartoons - 108

A wife got so mad at her husband she packed his bags and told him to get out. As he walked to the door she yelled, "I hope you die a long, slow, painful death."He turned around and said, "So, you want me to stay?"

My boss was honest with me today. He pulled up [Read more…

January 29, 2024

Issue 182

This newsletter provides articles that help you understand the latest technology and provide examples of its use. Technical experts review all the technical articles to provide as accurate information as possible. We also included technical jokes and cartoons for your amusement. You can view our previous newsletters or read all the articles on our blog.

Kintronics has provided advanced technology solutions that connect to the network since 1977. We are experts in delivering integrated solutions that include IP camera systems, door access control, and IP intercoms and sound systems related to security and safety.

You can view our Privacy Policy.

If you would like help with your security system, don't hesitate to get in touch with us at 1-800-431-1658 in the USA or 914-944-3425 everywhere else. You can also send us an email at dennis@kintronics.com